
Someone quite wise once said, “You have to understand the past in order to prepare for the future”.

“Tino” The father of Australian Karate allows us all to go back to the earliest memories of Tino Ceberano and share this amazing individuals journey as an reader/observer through the chapters of this brilliant and thoroughly researched book.

One of the things that really strikes me, is how, as I read it, I can Hear Tino Hanshi’s voice telling the story. Then and there I knew that this book has captured the essence of “Tino” possibly our most prominent Karate and martial arts pioneer.

I am fortunate to have heard much of this history from Tino Hanshi himself over the years, for this reason, I applaud how much care and effort has gone into creating an accurate telling of his story. Still, I found many things that I did not know, even with my previous knowledge of the books story. Overall, I have found this book quite riveting and have subsequently read this book numerous times.

Now that we can understand Tino Hanshi’s past, I feel we the readers, will be better prepared for our own individual martial art futures. Chris Clayton Kyoshi, IGK Toowoomba

Very interesting, factual and detailed account of past events that l almost forgot. My hat off to Tino for having a great memory to recall Paris championship in 1972 and LA in 1975. A true history of the development of Australian sports Karate and a bitter-sweet journey of a man who sacrificed so much for the love of Karate. Highly recommended for all karatekas past, present and future. Congratulations to Hanshi Tino and Michael Black for launching the book. Sensei Kong Wing Loh.

Michael, thank you for forwarding the book to me. I have just finished reading it. It is a great read, brings back many fond memories. What a remarkable life.  Congratulations on capturing Tino’s journey through life, well done. Thanks and regards, Robin Hedin.

As soon as I started reading the book, I was smitten. The sign of a good book is when it makes you feel like you are right there. Many books are full of facts and figures but often the story falls short. This book took me on a real journey, reflecting the memories of the many students and martial artists interviewed. I knew the book was dedicated to fathers and sons and the reason was revealed to me when I finally turned the last page. This fascinating tale preserves the history of Tino Ceberano Hanshi for our future generations. Karen Lyons, IGK Victoria.

“TINO: The Father of Australian Karate” offers a captivating and deeply personal journey into the life and legacy of Hanshi Tino Ceberano, an influential figure in the growth and development of Karate in Australia. With over two decades of personal acquaintance with Master Tino, I can attest to the profound impact he has had on the martial arts community, both in the United States and Australia. This autobiography not only traces his remarkable journey but also stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to the art of Karate, making it highly recommended for any martial artist, regardless of style or location.

The book masterfully paints a vivid picture of the Karate training scene in Hawaii during the early 1960s and 1970s. It provides readers with a unique opportunity to step back in time, exploring the early days of martial arts when it was still relatively unknown outside of Japan. Master Tino’s experiences in Hawaii are narrated with rich historical context, offering a glimpse into the gritty dojos, passionate senseis, and dedicated practitioners who laid the groundwork for Karate’s global spread. The book’s portrayal of the raw and unfiltered nature of Karate training during that era captures the essence of the formative years that contributed to Master Tino’s expertise and leadership in Australian Karate. This historical perspective enriches the overall narrative, transforming it into not just an autobiography but also a valuable record of martial arts’ evolution.

Moreover, “TINO: The Father of Australian Karate” skillfully delves into Hanshi Tino’s formative years in Kauai, shedding light on his introduction to Goju Ryu Karate and the experiences that shaped him into the legend he is today. He was one of the privileged to have trained directly under Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei.  Knowing this, one can truly understand the direct ties one has with the origins of Karate when training with Hanshi Tino. Unfortunately, his relationship with Yamaguchi Sensei was later tainted after his death when Yamaguchi Sensei’s successors undermined Hanshi’s Tinos extensive expansionary  efforts up to that time.  

These ugly politics of Goju Ryu Karate are well documented in “TINO.”  Interesting, sad, and an unfortunate reminder that the karate politics of today are not new.  The book vividly portrays such  hurdles and challenges he encountered while propagating Karate across Australia, emphasizing the resilience and determination that have been hallmarks of his illustrious career. His influence on the Australian martial arts landscape is undeniable, and the book beautifully captures the multitude of individuals he has inspired and mentored throughout his journey.

Having personally witnessed Hanshi Tino’s impact, I found “TINO: The Father of Australian Karate” to be a heartfelt and meticulously researched account. The narrative bears witness to his relentless dedication to upholding the core values of discipline, respect, and perseverance embodied by Karate. This autobiography serves as a wellspring of inspiration for martial arts enthusiasts and a reminder of the profound influence a single individual can exert on a community and even an entire nation. It is a fitting tribute to a man whose legacy is sure to continue shaping the future of Australian Karate for generations to come.

It is a physically large book, as well as a long book.  I read it over the course of a month, even bouncing around to different chapters rather than cover to cover.  The vintage photos within the book are unmatched.  Often I stared at them, appreciating how — even in this digital world we live in — Karate tradition as a whole has transcended time.

Co-written by Hanshi and one of his dedicated students, Michael Black. Make haste in buying “TINO: The Father of Australian Karate” right away.  Then, slow down, take time to immerse yourself into what promises to be a highly fulfilling read. – Shihan Matt Hemenez, Orange County IGK.